
Jason with his brother Matthew

Jason Cherry’s brother, Matthew, was adopted from a Russian orphanage in 1993 just before Jason’s birth. Diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and fetal alcohol syndrom, Matthew had a substantial impact on Jason’s childhood. The extensive involvement required by the family in services and support for Matthew over two decades influenced Jason and contributed to his compassion for kids on the autism spectrum. Mature beyond his years as a direct result of the experiences in his home, Jason has developed into a true leader and is working to become a voice for all siblings of individuals with autism.

Jason’s custom-designed Bell Helmet showing his partnership with the Autism Society of America and his support for those with autism will be auctioned at the end of the season. All proceeds will go to Jason’s sibling programs established within the Autism Society of America.